Located in Kaluwala village near Bhaniwala or Bhaniyawala, Kalu Siddh is a holy shrine dedicated to Sage Kalu, one of the 84 disciples of Lord Dattatreya. Kalu Siddh Temple is set in the Thano Forest Range amongst dense sal forests and situated at a distance of about 7kms from Thano village. It is one of the four pilgrimage sites of the four siddhs (holy shrines) of Dehradun.

Kalu sidh in Dehradun

The four siddhs are situated at a radius of 15 Kms from Dehradun City and four different directions. Kalu siddh is situated at east direction. It is believed that fasting and praying at the siddh in a single day fulfils your wishes.

History of Kalu siddh

The 84 disciples of Lord Dattatreya the son of sage arti and Anasuya, indulged in extreme penance. They meditated at various places on North India. Lord Shiva was pleased by their devotion and granted them the gift of enlightenment. The devotees attained Samadhi at the Place of meditation and abandoned their bodies.